Namespace System.Device.Spi
- SpiBusInfo
Base class for SPI bus information.
- SpiConnectionSettings
The connection settings of a device on a SPI bus.
- SpiDevice
The communications channel to a device on a SPI bus.
- SpiDeviceAlreadyInUseException
Exception thrown when a check in driver's constructor finds a device that already exists with the same settings (SPI bus AND chip select line)
- DataFlow
Specifies order in which bits are transferred first on the SPI bus.
- SpiBusConfiguration
Defines the bus configuration between the master and the slave device.
- SpiMode
Defines how data is synchronized between devices on a SPI bus. Clock Polarity (CPOL) determines if clock signal is low or high when in idle state. Clock Phase (CPHA) determines when data is sampled relative to the clock signal.
- SpiSharingMode
Defines the sharing mode for the SPI bus.