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Enum FileMode


Contains constants for specifying how the OS should open a file. These will control whether you overwrite a file, open an existing file, or some combination thereof.

To append to a file, use Append (which maps to OpenOrCreate then we seek to the end of the file). To truncate a file or create it if it doesn't exist, use Create.

public enum FileMode


Append = 6

Opens the file if it exists and seeks to the end. Otherwise, creates a new file.

Create = 2

Creates a new file. If the file already exists, it is overwritten.

CreateNew = 1

Creates a new file. An exception is raised if the file already exists.

Open = 3

Opens an existing file. An exception is raised if the file does not exist.

OpenOrCreate = 4

Opens the file if it exists. Otherwise, creates a new file.

Truncate = 5

Opens an existing file. Once opened, the file is truncated so that its size is zero bytes. The calling process must open the file with at least WRITE access. An exception is raised if the file does not exist.