Namespace System.Net.NetworkInformation
- IPGlobalProperties
Provides information about the network connectivity of the local computer.
- NetworkAPStationEventArgs
Contains argument values for network availability events.
- NetworkAvailabilityEventArgs
Contains argument values for network availability events.
- NetworkChange
Contains information about changes in the availability and address of the network.
- NetworkInterface
Provides information about network interfaces and enables applications to control them.
- Wireless80211Configuration
Configuration of wireless network based on the 802.11 standard.
- WirelessAPConfiguration
Configuration of wireless network SOft AP based on the 802.11 standard.
- WirelessAPStation
Class that encapsulates the details of a connected client.
- AddressMode
Start up network IP address assigning modes
- AuthenticationType
Specifies the authentication used in a wireless network.
- EncryptionType
Defines the available types of encryption for wireless networks.
- NetworkInterfaceType
Specifies the type of network interface used by the device.
- PhyProtocols
Enum of Phy protocols used for connection.
- RadioType
Specifies the type of radio that the wireless network uses.
- Wireless80211Configuration.ConfigurationOptions
Configuration flags used for Wireless configuration.
- WirelessAPConfiguration.ConfigurationOptions
Configuration flags used for Wireless Soft AP configuration.
- NetworkAPStationChangedEventHandler
Indicates a change in the connected clients to Access Point.
- NetworkAddressChangedEventHandler
Provides an event handler that is called when the network address changes.
- NetworkAvailabilityChangedEventHandler
Indicates a change in the availability of the network.