Enum SocketFlags
This enumeration has a FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.
public enum SocketFlags
Broadcast = 1024
Indicates that the control data did not fit into an internal 64-KB buffer and was truncated.
ControlDataTruncated = 512
Indicates that the control data did not fit into an internal 64-KB buffer and was truncated.
DontRoute = 4
Send without using routing tables.
MaxIOVectorLength = 16
Provides a standard value for the number of WSABUF structures that are used to send and receive data.
Multicast = 2048
Indicates a multicast packet.
None = 0
Use no flags for this call.
OutOfBand = 1
Process out-of-band data.
Partial = 32768
Partial send or receive for message.
Peek = 2
Peek at incoming message.
Truncated = 256
The message was too large to fit into the specified buffer and was truncated.