Namespace nanoFramework.GiantGecko.Adc
- AdcChannel
Represents a single ADC channel.
- AdcChannelConfiguration
ADC Channel configuration, common for single conversion and scan sequence.
- AdcConfiguration
ADC global configuration, common for single conversion and scan sequence.
- AdcController
Represents an AdcController on the system.
- AdcChannelMode
Describes the channel modes that the AdcController can use for input.
- AquisitionTime
Acquisition time (in ADC clock cycles).
- LowpassFilterMode
Lowpass filter mode.
- OversampleRate
Oversample rate select.
- PrsSampleTrigger
Peripheral Reflex System signal used to trigger a single sample.
- ReferenceVoltage
Single and scan mode voltage references.
- SampleResolution
Sample resolution.
- SingleSampleInput
Single sample input selection.
- WarmUpMode
Warm-up mode.