Namespace nanoFramework.Hardware.Esp32.Touch
- DenoiseSetting
Specific to S2/S3, the denoise capacitance used to denoise the touch pad.
- Esp32FilterSetting
ESP32 filter setting class.
- MeasurementTime
Measurement elements.
- S2S3FilterSetting
S2 and S3 filter setting.
- TouchPad
The touch pad. Some of the configurations are specific for each touch pad. Some are applied to all the touch pad like filtering, voltage and the capture mode.
- TouchPadEventArgs
Touch pad event arguments.
- TouchChargeSpeed
Charge and discharge speed settings.
- IFilterSetting
Interface for the filtering configuration, they are different on the ESP32 and the S2/S3 series.
- DenoiseCapacitance
Specific to S2/S3, the denoise capacitance used to denoise the touch pad.
- DenoiseRange
Specific to S2/S3, the denoise range used to denoise the touch pad.
- FilterSettingDebounce
Set debounce count, such as n. If the measured values continue to exceed the threshold for n+1 times, the touch sensor state changes. Range: 0 ~ 7
- FilterSettingMode
Infinite impulse response (IIR) filter mode
- FilterSettingNoiseThreshold
Noise threshold coefficient. Higher = More noise resistance. The actual noise should be less than (noise coefficient * touch threshold). Range: 0 ~ 3. The coefficient is 0: 4/8; 1: 3/8; 2: 2/8; 3: 1;
- FilterSettingSmoothMode
Filter settings for the smooth mode.
- MeasurementMode
Measurement mode.
- TouchChargeSpeed.ChargeSpeed
The charge speed, 7 different positions.
- TouchChargeSpeed.InitialCharge
The initial charge
- TouchHighVoltage
Voltage for the high charging point.
- TouchHighVoltageAttenuation
High voltage attenuation.
- TouchLowVoltage
Voltage for the low charging point.
- TouchTriggerMode
Touch trigger mode.
- WakeUpSource
Wake up source.
- TouchPadValueChangedEventHandler
Delegate function for the event handler.