Enum MqttReasonCode
- Namespace
- nanoFramework.M2Mqtt.Messages
- Assembly
- nanoFramework.M2Mqtt.Core.dll
A Reason Code is a one byte unsigned value that indicates the result of an operation. Reason Codes less than 0x80 indicate successful completion of an operation. The normal Reason Code for success is 0. Reason Code values of 0x80 or greater indicate failure.
public enum MqttReasonCode
AdministrativeAction = 152
Administrative action.
BadAuthenticationMethod = 140
Bad authentication method.
BadUserNameOrPassword = 134
Bad User Name or Password.
Banned = 138
ClientIdentifierNotValid = 133
Client Identifier not valid.
ConnectionRateExceeded = 159
Connection rate exceeded.
ConnectionRefusedBadUserNameOrPassword = 4
The data in the user name or password is malformed.
ConnectionRefusedIdentifierRejected = 2
The Client identifier is correct UTF-8 but not allowed by the Server.
ConnectionRefusedNotAuthorized = 5
The Client is not authorized to connect.
The Network Connection has been made but the MQTT service is unavailable.
ConnectionRefusedUnacceptableProtocolVersion = 1
The Server does not support the level of the MQTT protocol requested by the Client.
ContinueAuthentication = 24
Continue authentication.
DisconnectWithWillMessage = 4
Disconnect with Will Message.
GrantedQoS0 = 0
Granted QoS 0.
GrantedQoS1 = 1
Granted QoS 1.
GrantedQoS2 = 2
Granted QoS 2.
ImplementationSpecificError = 131
Implementation specific error.
KeepAliveTimeout = 141
Keep Alive timeout.
MalformedPacket = 129
Malformed Packet.
MaximumConnectTime = 160
Maximum connect time.
MessageRateTooHigh = 150
Message rate too high.
NoMatchingSubscribers = 16
No matching subscribers.
NoSubscriptionExisted = 17
No subscription existed.
NormalDisconnection = 0
Normal disconnection.
NotAuthorized = 135
Not authorized.
PacketIdentifierInUse = 145
Packet Identifier in use.
PacketIdentifierNotFound = 146
Packet Identifier not found.
PacketTooLarge = 149
Packet too large.
PayloadFormatInvalid = 153
Payload format invalid.
ProtocolError = 130
Protocol Error.
QoSNotSupported = 155
QoS not supported.
QuotaExceeded = 151
Quota exceeded.
ReAuthenticate = 25
ReceiveMaximumExceeded = 147
Receive Maximum exceeded.
RetainNotSupported = 154
Retain not supported.
ServeShuttingDown = 139
Server shutting down.
ServerBusy = 137
Server busy.
ServerMoved = 157
Server moved.
Server unavailable.
SessionTakenOver = 142
Session taken over.
Shared Subscriptions not supported.
SubscriptionIdentifiersNotSupported = 161
Subscription Identifiers not supported.
Success = 0
TopicAliasInvalid = 148
Topic Alias invalid.
TopicFilterInvalid = 143
Topic Filter invalid.
TopicNameInvalid = 144
Topic Name invalid.
UnspecifiedError = 128
Unspecified error.
UnsupportedProtocolVersion = 132
Unsupported Protocol Version.
UseAnotherServer = 156
Use another server.
WildcardSubscriptionsNotSupported = 162
Wildcard Subscriptions not supported.