Table of Contents

Enum NetworkHelperStatus


Error conditions of NetworkHelper.

public enum NetworkHelperStatus


ErrorConnetingToWiFiWhileScanning = 6

There was an error connecting to WiFi when performing the scan.

ExceptionOccurred = 7

An exception occurred with waiting for the network to become ready. Check HelperException property to find the Exception that was thrown.

FailedNoNetworkInterface = 3

Failed to execute because there is no network interface configured.

NetworkIsReady = 2

All requested conditions where met and the network is available.

None = 0

No error specified

Started = 1

NetworkHelper was started and it's waiting for the requested network condition to be met.

TokenExpiredWaitingDateTime = 5

Token expired while waiting for a valid DateTime.

TokenExpiredWaitingIPAddress = 4

Token expired while waiting for a valid IP address.