Namespace nanoFramework.Presentation.Media
- Brush
Represents a brush object used to fill shapes with a color or pattern.
- Constants
Constants used in the graphics subsystem.
- DrawingContext
Drawing Context.
- ImageBrush
Represents a brush that paints an area with an image.
- LinearGradientBrush
Represents a linear gradient brush, which fills a shape with a gradient color that varies in a linear fashion between a start color and an end color.
- Pen
Defines a pen used for drawing lines and shapes.
- SolidColorBrush
A brush of a single, solid color.
- BrushMappingMode
Specifies how a brush is mapped to a shape or region.
- Stretch
Specifies how a content should be resized to fill its allocated space.
- TextAlignment
Specifies the horizontal alignment of text.
- TextTrimming
Specifies how text is trimmed when it overflows the edge of a container.