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Enum Commands.DebuggingExecutionChangeConditions.State


State for debugger execution on target.

public enum Commands.DebuggingExecutionChangeConditions.State : uint
Extension Methods


BreakpointsDisabled = 4096

Breakpoints are disabled in the device

DebuggerEnabled = 1073741824

The debugger is enabled

DebuggerQuiet = 65536

No debugger text is to be sent by target device

Initialize = 0

Device is in initialization state

NoCompaction = 134217728

No compaction is to be performed during execution.

NoStackTraceInExceptions = 33554432

Execution engine won't process stack trace when an exception occurs.

PauseTimers = 67108864

Threads associated with timers are created in "suspended" mode.

ProgramExited = 2048

Device has exited a previously running program

ProgramRunning = 1024

Device has a program running

ResolutionFailed = 1

Type resolution has failed

SourceLevelDebugging = 268435456

Enable source level debugging

Stopped = 2147483648

Debugger is stopped

Unknown = 4294967295