Table of Contents

Native tips & tricks, generating stubs for a native project, NANOCLR macros, Arguments and return types

When you want to use native code and creating an associated managed code C# library, you should start by reading this article. This article will give you all the steps to create your managed C# project, generate the stubs and have everything glued together.

Once this is done, you'll still have to understand couple of elements related to the NANOCLR macros and the arguments and type conversions.

NANOCLR macros

Once you generate the stubs, you'll have functions that looks like:

HRESULT Library_sys_dev_pwm_native_System_Device_Pwm_PwmChannel::NativeInit___VOID( CLR_RT_StackFrame &stack )



Every native code that is surfaced with the managed C# code will be generated with pre setup NANOCLR macros. They call all be found in src\CLR\Include\nanoCLR_Interop.h. With all the elements below, you will be able to understand how to best use them.


The NANOCLR_HEADER is always present at the top of each generated function. It's purpose is ti create the HRESULT hr variable.


the CLEANUP family includes 4 declinations and few more elements:

#define NANOCLR_LEAVE()  goto nanoCLR_Cleanup // Note: this is a bit simplified version when Debug is not used
#define NANOCLR_RETURN() return hr

#define NANOCLR_CLEANUP()     hr = S_OK; nanoCLR_Cleanup:

So to demystify and understand which one to use, the NANOCLR_NOCLEANUP_NOLABEL(); is equivalent to: hr = S_OK; return hr;. So if you don't have to clean anything, that your code is straight forward, that's the general case you can use.

Looking at the NANOCLR_NOCLEANUP one, you'll have something added in the equivalent, a label: hr = S_OK; nanoCLR_Cleanup:; return hr;. As you see the label has been added and looking at few more definition, the NANOCLR_LEAVE macro is goto nanoCLR_Cleanup meaning, anything that needs some check and may leave earlier than a straight forward way will need to have the label version used.

The variation with CLEANUP_END is here to just return hr, it's as well one that can be used when you have nothing to check. While the NANOCLR_CLEANUP one sets the hr to ok and place the label. It can't be used alone, the NANOCLR_LEAVE will have to be used after.


Those NANOCLR_CHECK_HRESULT and NANOCLR_EXIT_ON_SUCCESS macros allow you to check if a call to a function or an expression has failed or succeeded and then, as we've seen previously, go to nanoCLR_Cleanup. This is used a lot when you are calling other similar function returning as well an HRESULT.

#define NANOCLR_CHECK_HRESULT(expr)   { if(FAILED(hr = (expr))) NANOCLR_LEAVE(); }
#define NANOCLR_EXIT_ON_SUCCESS(expr) { if(SUCCEEDED(hr = (expr))) NANOCLR_LEAVE(); }
#define NANOCLR_SET_AND_LEAVE(expr)   { hr = (expr); NANOCLR_LEAVE(); }

The NANOCLR_SET_AND_LEAVE function will just set the HRESULT and go to nanoCLR_Cleanup.

You will find a detailed list of typical HRESULT in the src\CLR\Include\nf_errors_exceptions.h file. FAILED and SUCCEEDED are defined like this:

#define SUCCEEDED(Status) ((HRESULT)(Status) >= 0)
#define FAILED(Status)    ((HRESULT)(Status)<0)


Those 2 macros are defined like this:

#define NANOCLR_MSG_SET_AND_LEAVE(expr, msg)       { hr = (expr); NANOCLR_LEAVE(); }
#define NANOCLR_MSG1_SET_AND_LEAVE(expr, msg, arg) { hr = (expr); NANOCLR_LEAVE(); }

So they allow you to setup the return element and leave. Those are so far used only in the src\CLR\Core\TypeSystem.cpp file. That said, nothing prevent you to use them as well.

CLR_RT_StackFrame &stack

At every call to one of those native functions, the stack is passed thru a structure called CLR_RT_StackFrame. The definition can be found in src\CLR\Include\nanoCLR_Runtime.h. It would be too long to go thru all the functions and properties. In this description we will focus only on few elements.

If your function is in a static class

In, this case, the stack class that you'll get it's is the "static instance" of the C# class. The pointer to the class instance is only available for non static calls. The reason for this is that the execution engine adds a pointer to the class instance to the IL stack, when there is an instance of it.

Getting and checking the stack in a non static class

The pattern to use is the following:

CLR_RT_HeapBlock* pThis = stack.This();

FAULT_ON_NULL is a macro similar to the onces presented in the previous section which will check of the stack is null or not. In case of null it will go to the nanoCLR_Cleanup label and set the HRESULT to a null fault.

The definition can be found in src\CLR\Include\nanoCLR_Interop.h.


You can use those macro for arguments too. We will see this in one of the following section.

Getting any exposed field from the stack

Once you've checked that the stack is valid, you can get a pointer to any of the class fields. Here is a typical example:

int pinNumber = (int)(pThis[Library_sys_dev_pwm_native_System_Device_Pwm_PwmChannel::FIELD___pinNumber].NumericByRef().u4);

The stack is a CLR_RT_HeapBlock. This type is the core type that allows you get access to a Heap Block, which are the objects that are placed in the IL stack.

The pattern to use is the array one: pthis[the_field_to_get] where you have to make sure the field does exist. To avoid any issue, it is recommended to use the long names like Library_sys_dev_pwm_native_System_Device_Pwm_PwmChannel::FIELD___pinNumber. But if it's in the same class, you don't need the long naming, pThis[FIELD___pinNumber] will just work as well.

Then the NumericByRef() allows you to get a numerical number and u4 to convert it as a uint32. For numerics, you have as well NumericByRefConst() allowing to convert as a constant. Then you have u for non signed, 1, 2, 4 and 8 for the number of bytes. i for signed, r4 for float and r8 for double.

Pro tip: the generated function definition contains the types and the return type. Example: NativeSetActiveDutyCyclePercentage___VOID__U4 is void as return and U4 so uint32 for the first argument. This is done on purpose to help managing the return type and arguments.

Arg0, Arg1, ArgsN

Helpers functions available to access the arguments. We will look at this in this section.

Static class

In a static class, the stack.Arg0() points the first Heap Block passed on the IL stack. As explained before, do not use CLR_RT_HeapBlock* pThis = stack.This(); because that won't be a pointer to a class instance (again: this is a call to a static method, therefore there is no instance of the class).

Non static class

In a non static class, stack.Arg0() is equivalent to stack.This(). The first parameter passed from the C# method can be accessed with Arg1() and the following ones with equivalent calls that have the same index as the parameter.

Dereferencing an array

As an example, this time, let's use a function with an array:

HRESULT Library_sys_dev_spi_native_System_Device_Spi_SpiDevice::NativeTransfer___VOID__SZARRAY_U2__SZARRAY_U2__BOOLEAN(CLR_RT_StackFrame &stack)

In this function, the return type is void, it's a non static one, the first and third arguments are SZARRAY, the second and fourth U2. Still in this example, you will access the first array like this:

CLR_RT_HeapBlock_Array *writeBuffer;
uint8_t *writeData = NULL;
writeBuffer = stack.Arg1().DereferenceArray();
if (writeBuffer != NULL)
     writeData = (unsigned char *)writeBuffer->GetFirstElementUInt16();
    // Do something as it's not null

The DereferenceArray() array function will allow you to get an array and to get access to the first element (in this case it's a UInt16 array), you can use GetFirstElementUInt16(). Array have their own heap types: CLR_RT_HeapBlock_Array. As you can guess you have other Element functions for the various system types.

Dereferencing an object

Similar to the array, you can dereference an object, a class or a structure. You will then be able to access its fields. Let's use the SpanByte structure as an example.

CLR_RT_HeapBlock *writeSpanByte;
CLR_RT_HeapBlock_Array *writeBuffer;
uint8_t *writeData = NULL;
int16_t writeSize = 0;
int16_t writeOffset = 0;
writeSpanByte = stack.Arg1().Dereference();
if (writeSpanByte != NULL)
    // get buffer
    writeBuffer = writeSpanByte[SpanByte::FIELD___array].DereferenceArray();
    if (writeBuffer != NULL)
        // Get the write offset, only the elements defined by the span must be written, not the whole
        // array
        writeOffset = writeSpanByte[SpanByte::FIELD___start].NumericByRef().s4;

        // use the span length as write size, only the elements defined by the span must be written
        writeSize = writeSpanByte[SpanByte::FIELD___length].NumericByRef().s4;
        writeData = (unsigned char *)writeBuffer->GetElement(writeOffset);

SpanByte contains internal fields which are a byte array, a start int32 and length int32 elements. Giving the start and length of the buffer to use. So the pattern is actually to get a reference on the SpanByte, check if not null, get an array reference on the array, check if not nul and you can then have the size of the array. The GetElement() function will point you in the element you need.


You only have 8 defined Arg, when you need to access them further, you can use ArgN(the_number_to_access).

Note: it is recommended to move to a class or structure when you start getting too many arguments.

Getting a string

The pattern to get a string from the stack is to use the function RecoverString() if will give you a string.

const char* szText = stack.Arg1().RecoverString();
// You can well check if it's a valid non null string like any other heap element:

Setting a result

You can setup a return result using the family functions SetResult_. System types are directly available like U1 or R4 or any other mentioned before. for example stack.SetResult_U1(42) will place 42 as the return value for a function returning a byte type.

SetResult_Object allows you to return any valid object, class or structure.

To return a string, SetResult_String is your best friend. Note that this function returns an HRESULT and should be checked.

Functions with reference parameters and how to set them

It is possible to have a function that has reference parameters and to set them on the native side.

Here is an example with a static function but it does work as well with non static functions (you just need to start at Arg1 for the first parameter):

private extern static void NativeGetVoltage(ref TouchHighVoltage touchHighVoltage, ref TouchLowVoltage touchLowVoltage, ref TouchHighVoltageAttenuation touchHighVoltageAttenuation);

And here is a full simple example on how to set the parameters back:

HRESULT Library_nanoFramework_hardware_esp32_native_nanoFramework_Hardware_Esp32_Touch_TouchPad::NativeGetVoltage___STATIC__VOID__BYREF_nanoFrameworkHardwareEsp32TouchTouchHighVoltage__BYREF_nanoFrameworkHardwareEsp32TouchTouchLowVoltage__BYREF_nanoFrameworkHardwareEsp32TouchTouchHighVoltageAttenuation( CLR_RT_StackFrame &stack )

    touch_high_volt_t refh;
    touch_low_volt_t refl;
    touch_volt_atten_t atten;

    // Get the voltage    
    if (touch_pad_get_voltage(&refh, &refl, &atten) == ESP_OK)
        CLR_RT_HeapBlock bhRefh;
        CLR_RT_HeapBlock bhRefl;
        CLR_RT_HeapBlock bhAtten;
        NANOCLR_CHECK_HRESULT(bhRefh.StoreToReference(stack.Arg0(), 0));
        NANOCLR_CHECK_HRESULT(bhRefl.StoreToReference(stack.Arg1(), 0));
        NANOCLR_CHECK_HRESULT(bhAtten.StoreToReference(stack.Arg2(), 0));


The key element here is the first create a heap block CLR_RT_HeapBlock bhRefh;, then set the value bhRefh.SetInteger(refh); and finaly store it into the argument NANOCLR_CHECK_HRESULT(bhRefh.StoreToReference(stack.Arg0(), 0));.

Note that this is working as well with objects, arrays or string.

Generating exceptions and other HAL elements

It's possible to generate various exceptions from the native side. And it's as well possible to access more of the HAL elements.

Generating exceptions

This is straight forward, you can use NANOCLR_SET_AND_LEAVE(THE_EXCEPTION). The list of exception is available in this include file.

You can use it like this:


// some code

if (somethingWrong)

// If somethingWrong, then the code here won't be executed. You'll go directly to the end

// This is where you'll arrive

Checking results of a function

You can check if the result of a HRESULT function is a success or not by using NANOCLR_CHECK_HRESULT and few others like NANOCLR_EXIT_ON_SUCCESS. All those macros are available and documented in this include file. They al require to use the same pattern like:


// some code


// If somethingWrong, then the code here won't be executed. You'll go directly to the end

// This is where you'll arrive

Access to callback before soft reboot

Do you need to clean resources before a soft reboot? Yes, then you're covered. The function HAL_AddSoftRebootHandler(FeatureSoftRebootHandler); if here for you!

The FeatureSoftRebootHandler is a simple void FunctionName() handler. Add this into your initialization function and you'll be sure to be called before a soft reboot.

Checking object types on native side

There are quite a few occasions where you want to pass an interface object on the native side. Something like:

private extern static void NativeStartFilter(IFilterSetting periodSetting);

// With a simple IFilterSetting interface and 2 classes implementing the interface
public interface IFilterSetting

public class Esp32FilterSetting : IFilterSetting
    // Some private fields you'll access on the native side
    private uint _period;
    // And some public ones

public class S2S3FilterSetting : IFilterSetting
    // Different field here
    private int _anotherField
    // And more public fields

On the native side, you'll get a generated function and structures, they'll look like this:

// The function definition, very classic
HRESULT Lib_Name::NativeStartFilter___STATIC__VOID__nanoFrameworkHardwareEsp32TouchIFilterSetting(CLR_RT_StackFrame &stack)

struct Lib_Name_Esp32FilterSetting
    static const int FIELD___period = 1;


struct Lib_Name_S2S3FilterSetting
    static const int FIELD___anotherField = 1;

The question is how on the native side, you can check if Esp32FilterSetting has been passed or S2S3FilterSetting?

The following code snippet shows you how you how to achieve this:

CLR_RT_TypeDescriptor typeParamType;
CLR_RT_HeapBlock *bhPeriodeSetting;

// Static function, argument 0 is the first argument
bhPeriodeSetting = stack.Arg0().Dereference();

// get type descriptor for parameter

CLR_RT_TypeDef_Index esp32FilteringTypeDef;
CLR_RT_TypeDescriptor esp32FilteringType;
CLR_RT_TypeDef_Index s2s3FilteringTypeDef;    
CLR_RT_TypeDescriptor s2s3FilteringType;

// init types to compare with bhPeriodeSetting parameter
// You need the full namespace here
g_CLR_RT_TypeSystem.FindTypeDef("Esp32FilterSetting", "nanoFramework.Hardware.Esp32.Touch", esp32FilteringTypeDef);

// You need the full namespace here
g_CLR_RT_TypeSystem.FindTypeDef("S2S3FilterSetting", "nanoFramework.Hardware.Esp32.Touch", s2s3FilteringTypeDef);

// sanity check for parameter type
if (!CLR_RT_ExecutionEngine::IsInstanceOf(typeParamType, esp32FilteringType, false))
    // We have an Esp32FilterSetting
    // Implement your logic with this class
else if (!CLR_RT_ExecutionEngine::IsInstanceOf(typeParamType, s2s3FilteringType, false))
    // We have a S2S3FilterSetting
    // Implement your logic with this class
    // It's not what we expect!

This does allow complex scenarios where you can differentiate the native execution. It does allow other scenarios where the hardware matters and you have a generic class but specific hardware settings. It's now open to your imagination!