The MethodRef table contains entries with the following structure

Name Type Description
Name StringTableIndex Index into String table for the name of the method
RVA MetadataOffset Offset into the IL byte code blob table for the opcodes of the method
Flags MethodDefFlags Flags to indicate intrinsic attributes and semantics of the method
RetVal DataType DataType of the return value for the method
ArgumentsCount uint8_t Count of arguments to the method
LocalsCount uint8_t Count of local variables for the method
LengthEvalStack uint8_t Length of the evaluation stack for the method
Locals SigTableIndex Index into Signature table to describe the locals for the method
FirstGenericParam GenericParamTableIndex Index into GenericParam table for the first generic parameter of the method
GenericParamCount uint8_t Count of generic parameters for the method
Signature SigTableIndex Index into Signature table that describes the method itself

Signature Table Usage

The method Def has multiple references to the signature table each describes some aspect of the method in distinct ways. This section describes the sequence of entries in the signature and their meanings for a method definition.

Locals Signature Table

(TODO: Define allowed sequence chains for local signatures. ECMA uses diagrams for this - consider using SVG here)

Method Signature

(TODO: Define allowed sequence chains for the method's signature. ECMA uses diagrams for this - consider using SVG here)