How To Create a .dfu file
To manually flash firmware using ST DFUSE tools, get a copy of ST DFUSE tools.
- Install the DFUSE tools
- Download the devices firmware update .zip file
- Repeat step 1 above
Step one
- Locate the devices Device_BlockStorage.c file.
- E.g. the Netduino 3 file is located here.
- Find the BlockRegionInfo segment Start address and bytes per block.
const BlockRegionInfo BlockRegions[] =
0x08000000, // start address for block region
4, // total number of blocks in this region
0x4000, // total number of bytes per block
- Start the STDFU File Manager and select the "I want to generate a .dfu file ...." radio button.
- Select the "Muti BIN" button and select the nanoBooter.bin file from the firmware update .zip file. Enter the Start address from above into the "Address" textbox. Example: 8000000.
- Press the "Add to List" button.
- Next select the nanoCLR.bin file. Enter the Start address + bytes per block into the "Address" textbox. Example: 804000.
- Press the "Add to List" button.
- Press the "Generate" button.
Step two
- Start the DFUSE Demo Application.
- Locate the .dfu file generated above.
- Click the "Choose" button then the "Update" button.
- Toggle the devices power.
- That's all, we are done!