Namespace Iot.Device.CharacterLcd
- CharacterLcdExtensions
Extension methods for ICharacterLcd
- Hd44780
Supports LCD character displays compatible with the HD44780 LCD controller/driver. Also supports serial interface adapters such as the MCP23008.
- Lcd1602
16x2 HD44780 compatible character LCD display.
- Lcd2004
20x4 HD44780 compatible character LCD display.
- LcdConsole
This is a high-level interface to an LCD display. It supports automatic wrapping of text, automatic scrolling and code page mappings. This class is thread safe, however using Write from different threads may lead to unexpected results, since the order is not guaranteed.
- LcdInterface
Abstraction layer for accessing the lcd IC.
- LcdRgb
Supports I2c LCDs with I2c RGB backlight, such as the Grove - LCD RGB Backlight (i.e. 16x2 LCD character display with RGB backlight).
- LcdValueUnitDisplay
Displays a value and an unit in a big font on an LCD Display. Requires a display with at least 20x4 characters
- Rectangle
Represents a rectangle with all the required attributes.
- Size
Stores an ordered pair of integers, which specify a height and width.
- ICharacterLcd
Interface for character LCD Low-Level handler
- LineWrapMode
Controls what happens when the cursor moves beyond the end of the display (both horizontally or vertically).