AT24C32/AT24C64/AT24C128/AT24C256 family of I2C EEPROM
The At24cxx is a family of Serial EEPROM utilizing an I2C (2-wire) serial interface.
This implementation supports the following devices:
Important: I2C pins for the ESP32 must be properly setup the before creating the I2cDevice
. For this, make sure you install the nanoFramework.Hardware.Esp32
NuGet and use the Configuration
class to configure the pins:
// When connecting with an ESP32 device you will need to configure the I2C GPIOs used for the bus.
Configuration.SetPinFunction(Gpio.IO21, DeviceFunction.I2C1_DATA);
Configuration.SetPinFunction(Gpio.IO22, DeviceFunction.I2C1_CLOCK);
For other devices like STM32, please make sure you're using the preset pins for the I2C bus you want to use.
using Iot.Device.At24cxx;
using nanoFramework.Hardware.Esp32;
using System.Device.I2c;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
// Setup ESP32 I2C port.
Configuration.SetPinFunction(Gpio.IO21, DeviceFunction.I2C1_DATA);
Configuration.SetPinFunction(Gpio.IO22, DeviceFunction.I2C1_CLOCK);
// Setup At24c32c device.
I2cConnectionSettings settings = new I2cConnectionSettings(1, At24c32.DefaultI2cAddress);
I2cDevice i2cDevice = new I2cDevice(settings);
At24c32 eeprom = new At24c32(i2cDevice);
// Write string to device.
string message = "Hello from nanoFramework!";
byte[] encodedMessage = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message);
int messageAddress = 0x0;
uint writeResult = eeprom.Write(messageAddress, encodedMessage);
Debug.WriteLine($"\"{message}\" written to EEPROM at 0x{messageAddress:X} ({writeResult} bytes)");
// Read back message from device.
byte[] receivedData = eeprom.Read(messageAddress, message.Length);
string decodedMessage = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(receivedData, 0, receivedData.Length);
Debug.WriteLine($"\"{decodedMessage}\" read from EEPROM at 0x{messageAddress:X}");
// Write byte to end of available device memory.
byte value = 0xA9;
int byteAddress = eeprom.Size - 1;
uint writeByteResult = eeprom.WriteByte(byteAddress, value);
Debug.WriteLine($"0x{value:X} written to EEPROM at 0x{byteAddress:X} ({writeByteResult} byte)");
// Read back byte from end of available device memory.
byte receivedByte = eeprom.ReadByte(byteAddress);
Debug.WriteLine($"0x{receivedByte:X} read from EEPROM at 0x{byteAddress:X}");
// Sequentially read back message from device byte-by-byte using the devices internal address counter.
// Since our last read from the device was at its last available byte, the internal address counter has now rolled over to point at the first byte.
byte[] receivedCharacter = new byte[1];
for (int i = 0; i < message.Length; i++)
receivedCharacter[0] = eeprom.ReadByte();
char[] character = Encoding.UTF8.GetChars(receivedCharacter, 0, 1);
Debug.WriteLine($"'{character[0]}' read from EEPROM");