Table of Contents

BQ2579x/BQ25792/BQ25798 - Buck-boost battery charger

This library supports several Bq2579x devices, namely:

  • The BQ25798 is an I²C controlled, 1-4-cell, 5-A buck-boost solar battery charger with dual-input selector and MPPT.
  • The BQ25792 is an I²C controlled, 5-A, 1-4 cell buck-boost charger with dual-input selector and USB PD 3.0 OTG output.


Device & EVM

Sensor image
VQFN 29 pins chip package
Simplified schematic
Simplified schematic
Evaluation Module
Evaluation Module


Warning: If using an ESP32, make sure to properly setup the I2C pins before creating the I2cDevice. Add a reference to nanoFramework.Hardware.ESP32 NuGet package and add the following code lines:

// when connecting to an ESP32 device, need to configure the I2C GPIOs
// used for the bus
Configuration.SetPinFunction(21, DeviceFunction.I2C1_DATA);
Configuration.SetPinFunction(22, DeviceFunction.I2C1_CLOCK);

For other devices like STM32, please make sure you're using the preset pins for the I2C bus you want to use.

Hardware Required

  • BQ25798 EVM
  • Male/Female Jumper Wires


  • SCL - SCL
  • SDA - SDA
  • VCC - 5V
  • GND - GND


The following code creates an I2C configuration and instantiates a Bq25798 object. Then it prints the Minimum System Voltage detected by the device at boot. Last it enters a loop where it prints the current Vbus voltage each second.

I2cConnectionSettings settings = new I2cConnectionSettings(1, Bq25798.DefaultI2cAddress);
I2cDevice device = I2cDevice.Create(settings);

using (Bq25798 charger = new Bq25798(device))
    Debug.WriteLine($"BQ25798 connected to I2C{device.ConnectionSettings.BusId}");

    Debug.WriteLine($"Minimum System Voltage is config @ {charger.MinimalSystemVoltage.VoltsDc:N3}V");

    while (true)
        Debug.WriteLine($"Current Vbus: {charger.Vbus.VoltsDc:N3}V");




The development of this library was kindly sponsored by OrgPal.IoT!
