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Enum CreationCollisionOption


Specifies what to do if a file or folder with the specified name already exists in the current folder when you create a new file or folder.

public enum CreationCollisionOption


FailIfExists = 2

Raise an exception of type System.Exception if the file or folder already exists. Methods that don't explicitly pass a value from the CreationCollisionOption enumeration use the FailIfExists value as the default when you try to create, rename, copy, or move a file or folder.

GenerateUniqueName = 0

Automatically append a number to the base of the specified name if the file or folder already exists. For example, if MyFile.txt already exists, then the new file is named MyFile(2).txt.If MyFolder already exists, then the new folder is named MyFolder(2).

OpenIfExists = 3

Return the existing item if the file or folder already exists.

ReplaceExisting = 1

Replace the existing item if the file or folder already exists.