Table of Contents

Class DeviceClient


Azure IoT Client SDK for .NET nanoFramework using MQTT.

public class DeviceClient : IDisposable
Inherited Members
Extension Methods


DeviceClient(string, string, byte[], MqttQoSLevel, byte[], string)

Creates an DeviceClient class.

public DeviceClient(string iotHubName, string deviceId, byte[] clientCert = null, MqttQoSLevel qosLevel = MqttQoSLevel.AtMostOnce, byte[] azureCert = null, string modelId = null)


iotHubName string

Your Azure IoT Hub fully qualified domain name (example:

deviceId string

The device ID (name of your device).

clientCert byte[]

The certificate to connect the device (containing both public and private keys). Pass null if you are using the certificate store on the device.

qosLevel MqttQoSLevel

The default quality of assurance level for delivery for the MQTT messages (defaults to the lowest quality).

azureCert byte[]

Azure certificate for the connection to Azure IoT Hub.

modelId string

Azure Plug and Play model ID.

DeviceClient(string, string, X509Certificate2, MqttQoSLevel, X509Certificate, string)

Creates an DeviceClient class.

public DeviceClient(string iotHubName, string deviceId, X509Certificate2 clientCert, MqttQoSLevel qosLevel = MqttQoSLevel.AtMostOnce, X509Certificate azureCert = null, string modelId = null)


iotHubName string

Your Azure IoT Hub fully qualified domain name (example:

deviceId string

The device ID (name of your device).

clientCert X509Certificate2

The certificate to connect the device (containing both public and private keys). Pass null if you are using the certificate store on the device.

qosLevel MqttQoSLevel

The default quality of assurance level for delivery for the MQTT messages (defaults to the lowest quality).

azureCert X509Certificate

Azure certificate for the connection to Azure IoT Hub.

modelId string

Azure Plug and Play model ID.

DeviceClient(string, string, string, byte[], MqttQoSLevel, byte[], string)

Creates an DeviceClient class.

public DeviceClient(string iotHubName, string deviceId, string moduleId, byte[] clientCert = null, MqttQoSLevel qosLevel = MqttQoSLevel.AtMostOnce, byte[] azureCert = null, string modelId = null)


iotHubName string

Your Azure IoT Hub fully qualified domain name (example:

deviceId string

The device ID (name of your device).

moduleId string

The module ID which is attached to the device ID.

clientCert byte[]

The certificate to connect the device (containing both public and private keys). Pass null if you are using the certificate store on the device.

qosLevel MqttQoSLevel

The default quality of assurance level for delivery for the MQTT messages (defaults to the lowest quality).

azureCert byte[]

Azure certificate for the connection to Azure IoT Hub.

modelId string

Azure Plug and Play model ID.

DeviceClient(string, string, string, X509Certificate2, MqttQoSLevel, X509Certificate, string)

Creates an DeviceClient class.

public DeviceClient(string iotHubName, string deviceId, string moduleId, X509Certificate2 clientCert, MqttQoSLevel qosLevel = MqttQoSLevel.AtMostOnce, X509Certificate azureCert = null, string modelId = null)


iotHubName string

Your Azure IoT Hub fully qualified domain name (example:

deviceId string

The device ID (name of your device).

moduleId string

The module ID which is attached to the device ID.

clientCert X509Certificate2

The certificate to connect the device (containing both public and private keys). Pass null if you are using the certificate store on the device.

qosLevel MqttQoSLevel

The default quality of assurance level for delivery for the MQTT messages (defaults to the lowest quality).

azureCert X509Certificate

Azure certificate for the connection to Azure IoT Hub.

modelId string

Azure Plug and Play model ID.

DeviceClient(string, string, string, string, MqttQoSLevel, byte[], string)

Creates an DeviceClient class.

public DeviceClient(string iotHubName, string deviceId, string moduleId, string sasKey, MqttQoSLevel qosLevel = MqttQoSLevel.AtLeastOnce, byte[] azureCert = null, string modelId = null)


iotHubName string

The Azure IoT name fully qualified (ex:

deviceId string

The device ID which is the name of your device.

moduleId string

The module ID which is attached to the device ID.

sasKey string

One of the SAS Key either primary, either secondary.

qosLevel MqttQoSLevel

The default quality level delivery for the MQTT messages, default to the lower quality.

azureCert byte[]

Azure certificate for the connection to Azure IoT Hub.

modelId string

Azure Plug and Play model ID.

DeviceClient(string, string, string, string, MqttQoSLevel, X509Certificate, string)

Creates an DeviceClient class.

public DeviceClient(string iotHubName, string deviceId, string moduleId, string sasKey, MqttQoSLevel qosLevel = MqttQoSLevel.AtLeastOnce, X509Certificate azureCert = null, string modelId = null)


iotHubName string

The Azure IoT name fully qualified (ex:

deviceId string

The device ID which is the name of your device.

moduleId string

The module ID which is attached to the device ID.

sasKey string

One of the SAS Key either primary, either secondary.

qosLevel MqttQoSLevel

The default quality level delivery for the MQTT messages, default to the lower quality.

azureCert X509Certificate

Azure certificate for the connection to Azure IoT Hub.

modelId string

Azure Plug and Play model ID.

DeviceClient(string, string, string, MqttQoSLevel, byte[], string)

Creates an DeviceClient class.

public DeviceClient(string iotHubName, string deviceId, string sasKey, MqttQoSLevel qosLevel = MqttQoSLevel.AtLeastOnce, byte[] azureCert = null, string modelId = null)


iotHubName string

The Azure IoT name fully qualified (ex:

deviceId string

The device ID which is the name of your device.

sasKey string

One of the SAS Key either primary, either secondary.

qosLevel MqttQoSLevel

The default quality level delivery for the MQTT messages, default to the lower quality.

azureCert byte[]

Azure certificate for the connection to Azure IoT Hub.

modelId string

Azure Plug and Play model ID.

DeviceClient(string, string, string, MqttQoSLevel, X509Certificate, string)

Creates an DeviceClient class.

public DeviceClient(string iotHubName, string deviceId, string sasKey, MqttQoSLevel qosLevel = MqttQoSLevel.AtLeastOnce, X509Certificate azureCert = null, string modelId = null)


iotHubName string

The Azure IoT name fully qualified (ex:

deviceId string

The device ID which is the name of your device.

sasKey string

One of the SAS Key either primary, either secondary.

qosLevel MqttQoSLevel

The default quality level delivery for the MQTT messages, default to the lower quality.

azureCert X509Certificate

Azure certificate for the connection to Azure IoT Hub.

modelId string

Azure Plug and Play model ID.

DeviceClient(IMqttClient, string, string, byte[], MqttQoSLevel, byte[], string)

Creates an DeviceClient class.

public DeviceClient(IMqttClient mqttc, string iotHubName, string deviceId, byte[] clientCert = null, MqttQoSLevel qosLevel = MqttQoSLevel.AtMostOnce, byte[] azureCert = null, string modelId = null)


mqttc IMqttClient

The MQTT client to use.

iotHubName string

Your Azure IoT Hub fully qualified domain name (example:

deviceId string

The device ID (name of your device).

clientCert byte[]

The certificate to connect the device (containing both public and private keys). Pass null if you are using the certificate store on the device.

qosLevel MqttQoSLevel

The default quality of assurance level for delivery for the MQTT messages (defaults to the lowest quality).

azureCert byte[]

Azure certificate for the connection to Azure IoT Hub.

modelId string

Azure Plug and Play model ID.

DeviceClient(IMqttClient, string, string, string, MqttQoSLevel, byte[], string)

Creates an DeviceClient class.

public DeviceClient(IMqttClient mqttc, string iotHubName, string deviceId, string sasKey, MqttQoSLevel qosLevel = MqttQoSLevel.AtLeastOnce, byte[] azureCert = null, string modelId = null)


mqttc IMqttClient

The MQTT client to use.

iotHubName string

The Azure IoT name fully qualified (ex:

deviceId string

The device ID which is the name of your device.

sasKey string

One of the SAS Key either primary, either secondary.

qosLevel MqttQoSLevel

The default quality level delivery for the MQTT messages, default to the lower quality.

azureCert byte[]

Azure certificate for the connection to Azure IoT Hub.

modelId string

Azure Plug and Play model ID.



The latest status.

public IoTHubStatus IoTHubStatus { get; }

Property Value



True if the device connected.

public bool IsConnected { get; }

Property Value



The latest Twin received.

public Twin LastTwin { get; }

Property Value



Azure Plug and Play model ID.

public string ModelId { get; }

Property Value



The module ID attached to the device ID.

public string ModuleId { get; }

Property Value



The default level quality.

public MqttQoSLevel QosLevel { get; set; }

Property Value




Add a callback method.

public void AddMethodCallback(MethodCallback methodCallback)


methodCallback MethodCallback

The callback method to add.


Close the connection with Azure IoT and disconnect the device.

public void Close()


Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.

public void Dispose()


Gets the twin.

public Twin GetTwin(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)


cancellationToken CancellationToken

A cancellation token.



The twin.


It is strongly recommended to use a cancellation token that can be canceled and manage this on the caller code level. A reasonable time of few seconds is recommended with a retry mechanism.


Open the connection with Azure IoT. This will initiate a connection from the device to the Azure IoT Hub instance.

public bool Open()



True if open.


Reconnect to Azure Iot Hub.

public void Reconnect()


Remove a callback method.

public void RemoveMethodCallback(MethodCallback methodCallback)


methodCallback MethodCallback

The callback method to remove.

SendMessage(string, string, ArrayList, CancellationToken, string)

Send a message to Azure IoT.

public bool SendMessage(string message, string contentType, ArrayList userProperties, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default, string dtdlComponentname = "")


message string

The message to send.

contentType string

Content of the application message.

userProperties ArrayList

User properties to add to the application message.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

A cancellation token. If you use the default one, the confirmation of delivery will not be awaited.

dtdlComponentname string

The DTDL component name.



True for successful message delivery.

SendMessage(string, string, CancellationToken)

Send a message to Azure IoT.

public bool SendMessage(string message, string contentType, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)


message string

The message to send.

contentType string

Content of the application message.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

A cancellation token. If you use the default one, the confirmation of delivery will not be awaited.



True for successful message delivery.

SendMessage(string, CancellationToken, string)

Send a message to Azure IoT.

public bool SendMessage(string message, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default, string dtdlComponentname = "")


message string

The message to send.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

A cancellation token. If you use the default one, the confirmation of delivery will not be awaited.

dtdlComponentname string

The DTDL component name.



True for successful message delivery.

UpdateReportedProperties(TwinCollection, CancellationToken)

Update the twin reported properties.

public bool UpdateReportedProperties(TwinCollection reported, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)


reported TwinCollection

The reported properties.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

A cancellation token. If you use the default one, the confirmation of delivery will not be awaited.



True for successful message delivery.



Cloud to device message received event.

public event CloudToDeviceMessage CloudToDeviceMessage

Event Type



Status change event.

public event StatusUpdated StatusUpdated

Event Type



Device twin updated event.

public event TwinUpdated TwinUpdated

Event Type
