List and category of devices
Analog/Digital converters
Adafruit Seesaw - extension board (ADC, PWM, GPIO expander)
ADS1115 - Analog to Digital Converter
AXP192 - Enhanced single Cell Li-Battery and Power System Management IC
Hx711 (M5Stack WEIGHT)
INA219 - Bidirectional Current/Power Monitor
Max31856 - cold-junction compensated thermocouple to digital converter
MCP3001/MCP3002/MCP3004/MCP3008/MCP3201/MCP3202/MCP3204/MCP3208/MCP3301/MCP3302/MCP3304 family of Analog to Digital Converters
Mcp3428 - Analog to Digital Converter (I2C/
TLC1543 - 10-bit ADC with 11 input channels
ADXL343 - Accelerometer
ADXL345 - Accelerometer
ADXL357 - Accelerometer
BNO055 - inertial measurement unit
LSM9DS1 - 3D accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer
MPU6050/MPU6500/MPU9250 - Gyroscope, Accelerometer, Temperature and Magnetometer (MPU9250 only)
Mpu6886 - accelerometer and gyroscope
Volatile Organic Compound sensors
AGS01DB - MEMS VOC Gas Sensor
BMP280/BME280/BME680 Device Family
CCS811 Gas sensor
Sensirion SEN5x series module
Gas sensors
AGS01DB - MEMS VOC Gas Sensor
BMP280/BME280/BME680 Device Family
CCS811 Gas sensor
MH-Z19B CO2-Sensor
SCD4x - Temperature & Humidity & CO2 Sensor
Sensirion SEN5x series module
Liquid sensors
Light sensor
Bh1745 - RGB Sensor
BH1750FVI - Ambient Light Sensor
MAX44009 - Ambient Light Sensor
TCS3472x/TCS34721/TCS34723/TCS34725/TCS34727 Sensors
TSL256x/TSL2560/TSL2561 - Illuminance sensor
BMP180 - barometer, altitude and temperature sensor
BMP280/BME280/BME680 Device Family
LIS2MDL - Ultra-low-power, high-performance 3-axis digital magnetic sensor
LPS25H - Piezoresistive pressure and thermometer sensor
Ms5611 in GY-63 module - temperature and pressure sensor
AHT10/15/20 - Temperature and humidity sensor modules
AM2320 - Temperature and Humidity sensor
BMP180 - barometer, altitude and temperature sensor
BMP280/BME280/BME680 Device Family
DHT10/DHT11/DHT12/DHT21/DHT22 - Digital-Output Relative Humidity & Temperature Sensor Module
DHT10/DHT11/DHT12/DHT21/DHT22 for Esp32 using RMT - Digital-Output Relative Humidity & Temperature Sensor Module
Ds1621 - 1-Wire Digital Thermometer with Programmable Resolution
Ds18b20 - Temperature Sensor
Hdc1080 - temperature and humidity sensor
HTS221 - Capacitive digital sensor for relative humidity and temperature
LM75 - Digital Temperature Sensor
LPS25H - Piezoresistive pressure and thermometer sensor
MAX31865 - Resistance Temperature Detector Amplifier
MCP960X/MCP9600/MCP9601 - device family of cold-junction compensated thermocouple to digital converter
MCP9808 - Digital Temperature Sensor
MLX90614 - Infra Red Thermometer
MPU6050/MPU6500/MPU9250 - Gyroscope, Accelerometer, Temperature and Magnetometer (MPU9250 only)
SCD4x - Temperature & Humidity & CO2 Sensor
Sensirion SCD30 Particulate Matter Sensor
Sensirion SEN5x series module
SHT3x/SHT30/SHT31/SHT35 - Temperature & Humidity Sensor
Sht4x/SHT40/SHT41/SHT45 - Temperature & Humidity Sensor with internal heater
SHTC3 - Temperature & Humidity Sensor
Si7021 - Temperature & Humidity Sensor
Infrared sensors
BNO055 - inertial measurement unit
LSM9DS1 - 3D accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer
MPU6050/MPU6500/MPU9250 - Gyroscope, Accelerometer, Temperature and Magnetometer (MPU9250 only)
Mpu6886 - accelerometer and gyroscope
Motor controllers/drivers
28BYJ-48 Stepper Motor 5V 4-Phase 5-Wire & ULN2003 Driver Board
4-Wire stepper motor & A4988 driver board
DC Motor Controller
Servo Motor
Inertial Measurement Units
BNO055 - inertial measurement unit
LSM9DS1 - 3D accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer
MPU6050/MPU6500/MPU9250 - Gyroscope, Accelerometer, Temperature and Magnetometer (MPU9250 only)
Mpu6886 - accelerometer and gyroscope
AK8963 - Magnetometer
Bmm150 - Magnetometer
BNO055 - inertial measurement unit
HMC5883L - 3 Axis Digital Compass
LPS22HB - MEMS nano pressure sensor: 260-1260 hPa absolute digital output barometer
LSM9DS1 - 3D accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer
MPU6050/MPU6500/MPU9250 - Gyroscope, Accelerometer, Temperature and Magnetometer (MPU9250 only)
Liquid Crystal Displays
Character LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)
PCD8544 - 48 × 84 pixels matrix LCD, famous Nokia 5110 screen
AHT10/15/20 - Temperature and humidity sensor modules
AM2320 - Temperature and Humidity sensor
BMP280/BME280/BME680 Device Family
DHT10/DHT11/DHT12/DHT21/DHT22 - Digital-Output Relative Humidity & Temperature Sensor Module
DHT10/DHT11/DHT12/DHT21/DHT22 for Esp32 using RMT - Digital-Output Relative Humidity & Temperature Sensor Module
Hdc1080 - temperature and humidity sensor
HTS221 - Capacitive digital sensor for relative humidity and temperature
SCD4x - Temperature & Humidity & CO2 Sensor
Sensirion SCD30 Particulate Matter Sensor
Sensirion SEN5x series module
SHT3x/SHT30/SHT31/SHT35 - Temperature & Humidity Sensor
Sht4x/SHT40/SHT41/SHT45 - Temperature & Humidity Sensor with internal heater
SHTC3 - Temperature & Humidity Sensor
Si7021 - Temperature & Humidity Sensor
Real Time Clocks
DS1302 - Realtime Clock
Mcp7940xx/MCP79400/MCP79401/MCP79402 - I2C Real-Time Clock/Calendar with SRAM
Realtime Clock
DS1302 - Realtime Clock
Mcp7940xx/MCP79400/MCP79401/MCP79402 - I2C Real-Time Clock/Calendar with SRAM
Realtime Clock
Sonars and presence sensors
HC-SR04 - Ultrasonic Ranging Module
HC-SR04 for ESP32 with RMT - Ultrasonic Ranging Module
HLK-LD2410 24Ghz Human Presence Radar Sensor Module
Distance sensors
HC-SR04 - Ultrasonic Ranging Module
HC-SR04 for ESP32 with RMT - Ultrasonic Ranging Module
LidarLiteV3 - LIDAR Time of Flight Sensor
QTR Sensors - Pololu QTR Reflectance Sensors
VL53L0X - distance sensor
Vl6180X - distance sensor
Passive InfraRed (motion/ sensors
Motion sensors
Adafruit Seesaw - extension board (ADC, PWM, GPIO expander)
APA102 - Double line transmission integrated control LED
Character LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)
ePaper drivers for .NET nanoFramework
LCD library for SparkFun RGB Serial Open LCD display (sizes 20x4 or 16x2) with I2C connection
Max7219 (LED Matrix driver)
PCD8544 - 48 × 84 pixels matrix LCD, famous Nokia 5110 screen
SSD13xx/SSD1306/SSD1327 & SSH1106 - OLED display family
TM1637 - Segment Display
Ws28xx/WS2812B/WS2815B/WS2808/SK6812/Neo pixel for ESP32 using RMT - LED drivers
Ws28xx/WS2812B/WS2815B/WS2808/SK6812/Neo pixel using SPI - LED drivers
Segment displays
GPIO Expanders
Adafruit Seesaw - extension board (ADC, PWM, GPIO expander)
Mcp23xxx/MCP23008/MCP23009/MCP23017/MCP23018 - I/O Expander device family
Pca95x4/PCA9534/PCA9534A/PCA9554/PCA9554A - I2C GPIO Expander
PCx857x/PCF8574/PCF8575/PCA8574/PCA8575 - NXP/TI GPIO expansion
CAN BUS libraries/modules
Proximity sensors
CHSC6540 - Touch screen controller
Ft6xx6x/Ft6336GU - Touch screen controller
MPR121 - Proximity Capacitive Touch Sensor Controller
Touch sensors
Adafruit Seesaw - extension board (ADC, PWM, GPIO expander)
CHSC6540 - Touch screen controller
Ft6xx6x/Ft6336GU - Touch screen controller
MPR121 - Proximity Capacitive Touch Sensor Controller
Wireless communication modules
Generic AT Modem SIM800 and SIM7070, SIM7080, SIM7090 - Dual Mode Wireless Module CatM, LTE modems
nRF24L01 - Single Chip 2.4 GHz Transceiver
Radio Receiver
Radio Transmitter
Swarm Tile
Radio modules
PWM libraries/modules
Color sensors
LED drivers
Adafruit Seesaw - extension board (ADC, PWM, GPIO expander)
APA102 - Double line transmission integrated control LED
Lp3943 LED driver
Module and Unit 4 Relay - I2C relay
RGB diode - PWM
Ws28xx/WS2812B/WS2815B/WS2808/SK6812/Neo pixel for ESP32 using RMT - LED drivers
Ws28xx/WS2812B/WS2815B/WS2808/SK6812/Neo pixel using SPI - LED drivers
RFID/NFC modules
Media libraries
GPIO or bit operating devices
AXP192 - Enhanced single Cell Li-Battery and Power System Management IC
Charlieplex Segment binding
Digital liquid level switch
Generic shift register
Key Matrix
MBI5027 -- 16-bit shift register with error detection
Module and Unit 4 Relay - I2C relay
Quadrature Rotary Encoder
Quadrature Rotary Encoder (ESP32/
SN74HC595 -- 8-bit shift register
Power monitors and related devices
AXP192 - Enhanced single Cell Li-Battery and Power System Management IC
BQ2579x/BQ25792/BQ25798 - Buck-boost battery charger
DAC63004/DAC63004W - Ultra-low-power quad-channel 12-bit smart DAC with I²C, SPI and PWM
INA219 - Bidirectional Current/Power Monitor
IP5306 - Power management
MAX1704x/MAX17043/MAX17044/MAX17048/MAX17049 - Battery gauge
Protocols providers/libraries
Adafruit Seesaw - extension board (ADC, PWM, GPIO expander)
DHCP Server
Modbus - Machine to machine communication protocol
Multicast DNS
Charlieplex Segment binding
Generic shift register
MBI5027 -- 16-bit shift register with error detection
SN74HC595 -- 8-bit shift register
Digital/Analog converters
Iot.Device helpers and common
Global Navigation Satellite System Device NMEA 0183 - Including Generic Serial Module with GPS, GNSS, BeiDou - NEO6-M, NEO-M8P-2, NEO-M9N from u-blox, ATGM336H, Minewsemi, ZED-F9P, ZOE-M8Q, SAM-M8Q, SARA-R5 and many many more
.NET System libraries
System.Device.Model - attributes for device bindings
System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch and DelayHelper